Pre-Wedding Save File

Detailed Description of the archive:

By loading this save file, players can bypass tedious pre-wedding tasks and jump directly into the game's pivotal story phase. At this stage, your character will wield powerful gear, abundant resources, maxed-out skills, and high reputation, allowing you to tackle upcoming challenges with ease. Note: This save file is exclusive to Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Gold Edition + Pre-Order Bonus Quests. It will not function without these prerequisites. Save File Contents: Wedding Flexibility: Created before the wedding ceremony. Having completed all quests, you can choose between two distinct wedding scenarios. 100% Completion: All discoverable side quests finished. Nearly every map location explored. All hidden treasures uncovered. Inventory & Gear: 10,000 Groschen 3 Outfit Sets: Combat Armor Negotiation Attire Stealth Outfit (for theft) Gold Edition Exclusives: Brunswick Armor Set 4 Shields Valiant Hunter Gear Twitch Drops: Warhorse Armor Set Lord of Skalitz Horse Gear Extras: Extensive dice collection Treasure maps for the Kutenberg region Secret items Overflowing storage (chests + horse inventory) Top-tier weapons, shields, bows, and crossbows Progression: Read nearly all books in the region. Trained with every skill master. Learned all techniques and purchased advanced training. Unlocked alchemy recipes and weapon blueprints for crafting. Reputation: Excellent reputation across all regions. Level: Maxed progression (level 30 in key skill trees) after 60–70 hours of playtime.

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